Brenda Seefeldt Amodea

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea Profile Photo

Pastor / Speaker / Wife / Author

Brenda is a pastor, speaker, wife, and mom to four men with their own brave stories. Brenda has written a helpful book about the people who have helped her carry her pain, I Wish I Could Take Away Your Pain. This book includes a long list of what not to do as well as the many small things to do that matter. She shares other stories about the beauty of her pain at Learn more about her new Bible study at

July 13, 2024

The Brave One w/ Brenda Seefeldt Amodea - Impacting The Generations

Brenda Seefeldt Amodea shares her journey from a troubled teenager to becoming a pastor and leading a unique church community. She discusses the impact of her faith, the challenges she faced, and the vision that led her to s…