Laura Mangum Broome

Laura Mangum Broome Profile Photo

Speaker/ Resilience Coach/ Author

Laura Mangum Broome embodies resilience and transformation. Her journey, marked by breast cancer, the loss of her oldest son to suicide, her life-saving heart transplant, and a sudden divorce after 27 years of marriage, showcases the human ability to triumph over adversity.

From overcoming these life-changing events, she created the iCope2Hope 3-Step Resilience Framework to help others conquer their fear of change, find new purpose, and rediscover joy.

Laura is a Mentor with a local organization that bridges the gap between foster care and adulthood for youth who age out of the foster care system.

Laura loves to share her message of hope. Her passion is to empower others to move beyond adversity and flourish in life. Laura thrives in San Antonio, Texas with her family, a testament to the remarkable strength of resilience.

Her upcoming book, “Flourishing After Adversity: A 3-Step Action Plan to Transform Pain into Purpose and Embrace Joy Again” teaches the same resilience skills Laura used to experience positive growth while starting her life over at the age 58. Her book will be available to the public December 5, 2023.

Book Description: Trapped in adversity's cocoon? Discover how to transform like a butterfly, soaring above challenges with newfound resilience.

Within these pages, Laura Mangum Broome, a seasoned Resilience Coach, illuminates your path to hope. Harness a growth mindset, venture beyond comfort, and turn obstacles into opportunities.

With tools and insights, shift from doubt to purpose, from fear to conviction. It's not merely about survival; it's a metamorphosis. Rediscover joy, purpose, and a world of boundless possibilities.

Your wings await. Embrace the journey and flourish.

Dec. 9, 2023

Power of Hope w/ Laura Mangum Broome - Transform Pain into Purpose and Embrace Joy

Hope is a powerful and transformative force that can help us overcome even the most difficult obstacles in our lives. It is the belief that things can get better, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that we c…